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f (educational theory)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Educational Theory of Apprenticeship — The Apprentice Perspective is an educational theory of apprenticeship concerning the process of learning through physical integration into the practices associated with the subject, such as workplace training. By developing similar performance to …   Wikipedia

  • Educational neuroscience — (also called Mind Brain and Education; MBE) is an emerging scientific field that brings together researchers in cognitive neuroscience, developmental cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology, educational technology, education theory and… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory — The word theory has many distinct meanings in different fields of knowledge, depending on their methodologies and the context of discussion.In science a theory is a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena,… …   Wikipedia

  • Educational technology — Educational Research Disciplines Educational evaluation …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of Deep Democracy — Theory of Deep DemocracyThe theory of deep democracy makes a distinction between merely formal and deeper forms of democracy. Formal democracy is an important part of deep democracy, but it is merely a beginning or a necessary condition. In order …   Wikipedia

  • Educational organization — has multiple meanings according to the field and setting in which it is being applied.In educational psychology, educational organization is organization within the scope of education. It deals with the theory of organization as it applies to… …   Wikipedia

  • educational psychology — educational psychologist. a branch of psychology concerned with developing effective educational techniques and dealing with psychological problems in schools. [1910 15] * * * Branch of psychology concerned with the learning processes and… …   Universalium

  • Educational psychology — Psychology …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of multiple intelligences — Human intelligence Abilities and Traits Abstract thought Communication · Creativity Emotional Intelligence Kn …   Wikipedia

  • Educational attainment in the United States — The educational attainment of the U.S. population is similar to that of many other industrialized countries with the vast majority of the population having completed secondary education and a rising number of college graduates that outnumber high …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of Portuguese discovery of Australia — Although most historians hold that the European discovery of Australia began in 1606 with the voyage of the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon on board the Duyfken , a number of alternative theories have been put forward. Precedence of discovery has …   Wikipedia

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